Design to change behavior in a digital future

Mar 23, 2022

90% of human decisions are determined by the design of our surroundings. This means that if we are to design behavior in a digital future we need to know how to support basic human instincts and design for the subconscious everyday decisions. Sille will introduce practical case examples on how to nudge and change behavior when entering a future where digital services needs to be intuitive and user centric in order to survive in a competitive market. GOALS Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

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Sille Krukow

Founding Partner, Behaviour Change Group

Sille is an internationally acknowledged Nudge and Behavioral Design Expert as well as the Co-founder of Behavior Change Group. She has more than 15 years of experience in conducting behavioral design studies and designing behavior change interventions. She has documented experience in measurably nudging consumers towards better, greener and safer decision-making in global markets for commercial and public partners. She has substantial knowledge within the field of applied behavioral science, nudging, and how to communicate to facilitate change amongst consumers and citizens. She’s also a guest lecturer at several international universities such as CU Denver, Pratt and The University of St. Gallen, a TV host, and an internationally acknowledged keynote speaker. Sille holds an MA in Visual Communication Design.