Conference Talk

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Jan 22, 2018

TeYosh is a multidisciplinary, independent design duo who uses humor and cutting-edge visuals to step out of the line and create rebellious visual expressions for brands and self-initiated projects. TeYosh is curious about how our social lives move to virtual spaces and reshape our behavior and language. In this talk, the duo presents projects on this topic and serves an explosive cocktail of pop fun and brutalist elements. Theme: Be A Design Rebel

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Sofija & Teodora

Designer Duo, TeYosh

TeYosh is an independent and digital design duo currently situated in Amsterdam. The Serbian collaboration consists of Sofija Stankovićand and Teodora Stojković. TeYosh's design practice is devoted to exploring immersive technologies and modern day social phenomenon. The duo creates brutalist animations and cutting-edge identity design for brands such as MTV, Nike, and Playgrounds Festival.