Conference Talk

Designing for Business without Losing Your Soul

Nov 27, 2018

Enterprise software for business. The words immediately bring to mind hundreds of menus and an overload of information on screens — designer’s worst nightmare. At Shopify, Kyle and his team are fighting against the idea that designing for businesses means not designing for people. Kyle leads an interdisciplinary team that designs straightforward solutions making life easier for millions of users worldwide. In this talk, Kyle shares his design philosophy and discusses how you can make designing for businesses fun, interesting, and impactful. Theme: Design for Change

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Kyle Peatt

Director of UX, Shopify

Kyle enjoys problems. Lucky for him, leading Product UX at Shopify provides plenty of opportunities to think about complicated interconnected problems and try to come up with simple, powerful solutions. As Director of UX, Kyle leads interdisciplinary teams across content, research, design, and front-end development to create great experiences to help Shopify’s hundreds of thousands of merchants. He also enjoys a good game of crib.