Conference Talk

Harnessing Design Intelligence: Local Contexts, Global Change

Nov 15, 2024

In a world increasingly driven by visual content, and innovative solutions, designers have emerged as the unsung superheroes of our time. At the heart of this evolution lies ‘Design Intelligence’ – a blend of strategic insight, practical thinking, and visionary creativity. Diving into real-world applications, we look to explore the immense potential of design to transcend mediums, shape the creative economy, and drive meaningful social change. With parallels between the qualities of iconic-caped crusaders and the modern designer, we’ll journey through the transformative power of storytelling, the need for local context in design, and the revolutionary impact of tools like mind maps, while celebrating the Superhero in us, together challenging conventions and envisioning a brighter future.

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Joshua Ofor

Creative Director & Social Entrepreneur

Joshua is a multidisciplinary designer, dedicated to creating innovative solutions that enhance human experiences and drive positive change. Experienced in leading cross-functional teams, Joshua is currently identifying gaps and actionable opportunities in diverse sectors – media & entertainment, fintech, smart health, and service design, and transforming them into bridges & solutions. Passionate about social impact, Joshua works closely with several communities stirring conversations & taking practicable steps towards solving local & global problems - The TED & TEDx community as a Primary Licensee/Organizer, and a Co-Curator across other communities; the UN Youth Assembly, and previously, the Open Source Community Africa, amongst others. Joshua is particularly invested in conversations around design, innovation, sustainability, social impact, circular economy, and user experience.