Nerd Talk

The future of design – where inclusion should be a norm, not a necessity

Could our tried-and-tested design recipes end up becoming irrelevant? Now more than ever, there’s a desire for designing and communicating something that feels real, and exploring how to express real emotions is a large part of that.How does an industry move beyond standardized inclusion efforts and embrace the broad spectrum of human emotion, as well as embracing the wide range of human identities. In this talk, Sketch’s Design Advocate Layshi Curbelo will shed a light on future designs where humane and inclusive approaches should be the norms, not necessities.

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Layshi Curbelo

Design Advocate, Sketch

Layshi is a designer that specializes in user experience (UX) and accessibility (a11y) for the past 8 years. She is a Design Advocate at Sketch. Also, she is the creator of Command Z, a podcast focus on design, tech, and communication. Curbelo loves to be part of the civic tech community and currently is UX Consultant Lead in Code for Puerto Rico. Code4PR is a non-profit community organization dedicated to promoting civic projects using open data and technologies to improve their communities in Puerto Rico. Curbelo believes that everything in this life is designed whether it is an object, a moment, or a thought.