Nerd Talk

POR // AI y UX: Diseñando un Futuro con Conciencia Ética

Jan 31, 2024

Los servicios y productos pueden moldear nuestro comportamiento, creencias y valores; y hasta pueden usarse para manipular o explotar a las personas o sus circunstancias. Como diseñadores, sabemos bien que es crucial diseñar teniendo en cuenta consideraciones éticas para evitar que -incluso involuntariamente- nuestra labor aporte a generar impactos negativos en la sociedad, ya sea sobre escenarios políticos o respaldar la desigualdad social, racial o de género. Con esta charla exploraremos la fusión entre la Inteligencia Artificial y la Experiencia de Usuario, redefiniendo cómo crear interfaces digitales potenciadas por esta tecnología, pero bajo una perspectiva responsable. Acompañemos a Carolina, Fernanda y Pamela a comprender cómo la ética en la IA y el diseño de UX moldean nuestro futuro, y cuáles son las claves que ellas aplican desde BBK+2Brains para garantizar que las interfaces que como diseñadores creamos, aporten realmente a construir un futuro inclusivo y diverso.

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Pamela Armstrong, Fernanda Zuñiga & Carolina Sepulveda

Lead UX, Lead Design Ops, Head of UX, +2Brains

Pamela Armstrong is a consultant with over a decade of experience in digital product design. She has led projects in Chilean consulting firms in the public and private sectors, and is a university professor in Chile. She excels in implementing Agile methodologies, focusing on research and strategies for new digital products. As a UX Lead, she leads innovative projects to improve the user experience and generate impact on both the business and users. Carolina Sepulveda is Partner and Director of Experience & UX at the consulting firm BBK+2Brains with a team of +120 people. She is a designer, has a Master's in Business Administration, is passionate about experience design focused on people, and loves communities and collective learning. She is the Academic Director of the User Experience Design for Digital Products (DUX) Program at the Catholic University of Valparaíiso. She is the Co-Founder and Regional Coordinator of + Mujeres en UX, the first Latin community of women in UX. Fernanda Zúñiga has more than a decade in the field of user experience and digital product design, where she has stood out for her ability to lead teams and execute innovative projects. Currently, as UX Lead & DesignOps, she focuses on optimizing processes and constantly seeks to improve and standardize scalable design practices. Additionally, she is a Co-Founding Partner at Octeto Studios, a video game development company in Chile since 2012, demonstrating her entrepreneurial vision and dedication to the digital world and the creation of meaningful experiences.