Conference Talk

Can data and ethics live together

Feb 20, 2021

Putting together a product as designers is a challenge on its own. But what happens when you take ethics, privacy, and data into account? What is the extent of the slippery slope about asking & storing data? In his talk, Matteo Gratton will take you through practical examples and cases from Sketch and other design products and discuss how designers can look at their process from a privacy perspective. He will share the story of how Sketch managed to build a collaboration feature that respects users’ data and design ethics, with all the challenges, pitfalls, and learnings.

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Matteo Gratton

Design Advocate, Sketch

Matteo is Design Advocate at Sketch, after being VP, Experience Designer at Barclays Corporate Banking and heading Design at Midas Consoles (Music Tribe) for 4 years. He’s very interested in and working on Design Systems and has been motivated to search for new and better ways to design and develop IT projects – focusing on B2B, enterprise and very specialised professional projects – for a while. Matteo likes to define himself as an agnostic designer; he hates big words but has to use them, as keeping everyone on the same page is key. He also has a passion for technology and the arts – in particular music, visual arts, and literature.